Kamdhenu University, A State Public University Established bu Govt. of Gujarat.displayNone

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Thalassemia Test

Each year university organizes thalassemia testing and awareness programme for newly admitted students of college and polytechnics with the help of Indian Red cross Society, Gujarat State Branch and Thalassemia Prevention Programme Team, Ahmedabad

International Yoga Day

Regular yoga and pranayama in daily life combines the mental, intellectual and physical capacity of the mind. The world has experienced this, so the United Nations has started celebrating June 21st as International Yoga Day. Every year Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar along with all the Colleges and Polytechnics

celebrate “International Yoga Day” on 21st June. On this occasion, all the officers and staff of Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar along with all the students and staff perform mass Yogasan as per ‘Common Yoga Protocol’ recommended by Ministry of AAYUSH, New Delhi.

Immunity Booster Decoction Distribution

Gujarat had battled an alarming spike in swine flu, COVID 19 etc. Kamdhenu University arranged immunity booster decoction distribution as a precautionary measure to avoid the infection for all the university staff and students with the support of nearby Government Ayurveda Hospitals.

Blood Donation Camp

Blood donor can save life of many persons. Young people are capable of donating blood but lack of awareness cannot motivate young people to donate blood. At present, various blood banks are organizing blood donation camps in colleges and educational institutions to motivate the youth to donate blood. University, Colleges and polytechnics are organizing blood donation camp with help of the Red Cross Society, Civil Hospitals, Blood Banks etc. The Kamdhenu University officers, staff and students of colleges and Polytechnics donate blood to serve the nation.

Veterinary Council of India
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