About College
Contribution of India for the milk and milk industry at global level is highly substantial and appreciable too. In Saurashtra region, dairy industry is in developing stage compared to other parts of Gujarat. In last few year Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation has extended their partner list in Saurashtra region and now it also includes Amreli, Junaghadh, Bhavanagar, Kutch, Porbandar, Jamanagr and Botad district cooperatives as their partners. Hence, there is need of dairy technologists for efficient growth of dairy Industry in this region. By considering above mentioned situation as well as to strengthen dairy education and develop dairy Industry in saurashtra region as well as to support the dairy sector of other parts of Gujarat and India in general, the Government of Gujarat has started College of Dairy Science at Amreli on 1st Aug 2010 as First Constitute College of Kamdhenu University.
Now, College of Dairy Science & Post Graduate Institute of Dairy Education and Research, Amreli is a leading institute in the field of Dairy Education and Research established under Kamdhenu University, an exclusive University started by Gujarat Government by Kamdhenu University Act, 2009 for the development of veterinary and allied science including dairy and fisheries science.
The College imparts education leading to a four year B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) degree, two year M.Tech. and Ph.D. programmes in the field of Dairy Technology, Dairy Microbiology, Dairy Chemistry and Dairy Engineering. In these program, theoretical and practical knowledge under five different divisions viz. Dairy Technology, Dairy Engineering, Dairy Chemistry, Dairy Microbiology and Dairy Business Management is given to students. They learn the principles of technology, engineering chemistry, microbiology and business management to develop new and improved methods in production processing preservation, marketing and utilization of milk and its products. Moreover, M.Tech & Ph.D. students perform their research work to bring innovation in the field of Dairy Science.
For B.Tech. (D.T.) students, they are provided with one year hands-on training to handle real life situations in commercial dairy. This training provides a platform to enhance the practical knowledge and also boost confidence level of the student which is an essential part to transform student to entrepreneur out of this institute. In this hands-on-training programme students are undergone through various activities like purchase of raw materials to marketing of finished products. Students are giving training in milk processing, product manufacturing, product testing, packaging, cleaning maintenance aspects, account, purchase, marketing etc. The students are sent to different dairy plants of Gujarat for this experiential learning.
This Dairy Science and Technology programme prepares the students with an integrated approach of skill development and facilitates its learning with modern concept, techniques and practice in dairy industries. Unique feature about College of Dairy Science, Amreli is our emphasis is not just on knowledge development, but also on personal, spiritual and social development. This integral and value based formation will impel our students to build leaders with sound business ethics and strong grounding knowledge of dairy science and technology.
“To be a nationally distinct, locally relevant and accessible institution of dairy education, research and extension and be a leader among peers and stake holders”
“To prepare leaders for handling, processing and marketing of milk and milk products and all other aspects of dairy, a popular, critical, and ever-growing component of the Indian food industry.”
- Dedication and loyalty to Mission and Vision.
- Passion and commitment for excellence.
- Flexible, responsive and innovation
- Accountable, trustworthy and professional.
- Honesty, integrity and continuous improvement with self-confidence.

Dr. Vimal M. Ramani
Principal and DeanCollege of Dairy Science, Kamdhenu University, Amreli, Gujarat
College of Dairy Science, Amreli-Rajkot Highway, Nr. Shedubhar Village, Amreli- 365 601