College of Fisheries Science (COFS), Himmatnagar



Department wise list of faculties


Sr. No. Name Designation Qualifications Specialization Contact no./ e-mail
1 Dr Vivek Shrivastava Asst. Professor Ph.D. Aquaculture 8849066519,
2 Dr Smit R Lende Asst. Professor Ph.D. Aquaculture 07383332278

Fish Biotechnology

Sr. No. Name Designation Qualifications Specialization Contact no./ e-mail
1 Sujit Kumar Asst. Professor M.F.Sc. Fish Bio- technology 8169429739

Faculty Profile

Dr Vivek Shrivastava: He has taken his BFSc degree program from College of fisheries, Panangad, Kerala Agriculture University, Kerala, India. He has completed his Post-graduation (M.F.Sc.) and Doctorate (Ph.D.) with specialization in aquaculture from ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai. He is one of the authors of the booklet “Status of Fisheries in Gujarat” further, he has been publishing several research papers in nation and international journals. He has written several scientific articles, participated in various nation and international seminars, symposiums and workshops. His area of research is Inland saline aquaculture, inland fish culture, bio-floc technology, climate resilient aquaculture, advance in aquaculture technology, Nutrition and feed technology and microbiology.

Dr Smit R lende: He has taken his BFSc degree from College of fisheries, Nagpur, Maharastra India. He has completed his Post-graduation (M.F.Sc.) and Doctorate (Ph.D.) with specialization in aquaculture from College of Fisheries, Veraval, JAU, Gujarat. He has been publishing several research papers in nation and international journals. He has written several scientific articles, participated in various nation and international seminars, symposiums and workshops. His area of research is ornamental fish breeding and culture, molecular biology, metagenomics and barcoding, Inland fish culture breeding of finfishes, Aquaponic and Aquascaping.

Mr. Sujit Kumar: He has taken his BFSc degree from College of Fisheries, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India. He has completed his Post-graduation (M.F.Sc.) with specialization in fish biotechnology from ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai. He is one of the authors of the book published by springer on “Recent Updates in molecular endocrinology and reproductive physiology of fishes” further, he has published several research papers in nation and international journals. He has written several scientific articles and participated in various nation and international seminars, symposiums and workshops. His area of research is molecular biology, gene expression studies, metagenomics, cell culture in the field of fisheries.

Administrative Staff

PG recognized teachers/Teaching staff for PG

Sr. No. Name Designation Qualifications Specialization
1 Dr Jayesh Patel Dean Fisheries Ph.D. Doctorate in Veterinary Surgery & Radiology
2 Dr Vivek Shrivastava Assistant Professor, Rajpur (Nava) KU, Gandhinagar Ph.D. Aquaculture
3 Dr Smith R. Lende Assistant Professor, Rajpur (Nava) KU, Gandhinagar Ph.D. Aquaculture
4 Mr Sujit Kumar Assistant Professor, Rajpur (Nava) KU, Gandhinagar M.F.Sc Fish Biotechnology

Technical and Supporting Staff

Technical & supporting staff members in PGIFER, Rajpur and CoE, Ukai

Sr. No. Designation No.
01 Junior Clerk (PGIFER and CoE) 1+1
02 SRA (CoE) 02*
03 TA (CoE) 01
04 Lab Tec. 01

Note: All the technical and supporting staff are associated on Ad-hoc basis except one SRA.

List of Scientific instruments and equipment’s at PGIFER Laboratories

Soil and Water Testing Laboratory

  • UV-Vis spectrophotometer
  • Inverted phase contrast microscope (Plankton study)
  • Upright trinocular microscope (Plankton study)
  • Multi water parameter testing machine (reagent based)
  • pH meter
  • DO meter
  • Conductivity, TDS meter
  • Refractometer (Water salinity measurement)
  • Vacuum filtration unit
  • Refrigerator
  • Electronic weighing machine

Feed Formulation and Biochemistry Laboratory

  • The automated protein analyzer assembly
  • Automated bomb calorimeter
  • The automated fat analyzer assembly
  • The automated fibre analyzer assembly
  • NIR analyzer (Automated proximate composition analysis)
  • Muffle furnace
  • Hot air oven
  • Moisture analyzer machine
  • Extruder (for fish feed preparation)
  • Cyclone mil
  • Mixer and grinder

Molecular biology Laboratory

  • Multipurpose refrigerated centrifuge (different tube size-1.5, 2, 15 and 50 ml tube)
  • Real-time PCR machine (rotor based)
  • Thermal cycler (With the provision of gradient PCR)
  • Gel documentation unit
  • Microspectrophotometer (Nucleic acid quantification and quality check)
  • Incubator shaker (Refrigerated and non-refrigerated)
  • Shaking water bath
  • Water bath
  • Agarose gel electrophoresis assembly
  • PAGE assembly
  • Rocker
  • Spinwin, Vortex
  • Autoclave (Automated and Manual)
  • Water purification machine (Type2 and Type3)
  • Laminar flow chamber
  • -200C deep freezer
  • Microwave oven
  • Tissue homogenizer (Lyzer based)
  • Electronic weighing machine (Lowest weight-20 mg)

Enzyme Analysis Laboratory

  • ELISA reader
  • Washer
  • Spectrophotometer (Double beam)
  • Laminar flow chamber
  • Refrigerator

Note: Molecular biology laboratory of PGIFER is an integral part of Central Laboratory

Students Placement Profile

Jobs obtained by students in various sectors in the last five years

Sr. No. Year No of students absorbed
Govt . Co-Op. Private Sector NGO Others Total
1 2015-16 - - - - - -
2 2016-17 - - - - - -
3 2017-18 01 - 01 -   02
4 2018-19 01 - - - 02 02 (enrolled for PhD)
5 2019-20 - - 02 - 03 05
6 2020-21 01   05     06

Information on Other Outputs

List of Publication

Sr. No. Title
  • “Vadhel, N., Pathan, J., Shrivastava, V., Akolkar, N., Kumar, S., Misra, C., & Mahapatra, K. D. (2020). Comparative study on the performance of genetically improved rohu “Jayanti” and native rohu, Labeo rohita fingerlings reared in biofloc system. Aquaculture, 735201.(Impact factor 3.02)
  • Deepak AP, Vasava RJ, Elchelwar VR, Tandel DH, Vadher KH, Shrivastava V and Prabhakar P" 2020.Aquamimicry: an innovative approach for sustainable development of aquaculture". published in Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 8(2): 1029-1031 (2020) (NASS:5.53)
  • Riya Kumari & Sujit Kumar. 2020. In silico Characterization,Homology Modeling & Virtual Screening of Selected Natural Compounds as Modulators of Salmo           salar            &            Teratodon           nigrovirdis            Tyrosinase Protein.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(03): 1172-1181. (Naas Rating- 5.38)
  • Elchelwar VR, Vasava RJ, Deepak AP, Gora Shiva Prasad, Chavada SR, Yusufzai SI, Shrivastava V and Prabhakar P 2020.Bioremediation: A tool for sustainable development of aquaculture" published in Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 8(2): 1331-1333 (2020) (NASS:5.53)
  • RajeshVasava; Shrivastava V, Dushyant Mahavadiya, Dharmesh Sapra, Dipesh Vadher 2018.Nutritional and Feeding Reuirement of Milk Fish (Chanos chanos) in Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6 (2): 1210-1215 (2018) (NASS: 4.75)
  • Vadher N., Akolkar N. G., Pathan J., Misra C. K., Shrivastava V. (2017). Comparative study of growth performance of rohu and Jayanti rohu under biofloc system Page: 205 at 11th IFAF during November 21-24, 2017, Book of Abstracts Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch, ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology.
  • Pathan J., Akolkar N. G., Vadher N., Misra C. K., Shrivastav V. (2017) “Growth performance and survival of Jayanti rohu fingerling under biofloc system using different organic carbon sources. Page: 267 at 11th IFAF during November 21- 24, 2017, Book of Abstracts Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch, ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology.
  • Vivek Shrivastava;N.K. Chadha;Md. Koya; W.S. Lakra; Paramita Banerjee Sawant and S. Remya. Effect of stocking density on growth and survival of Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (de man, 1888) post larvae at 11th IFAF during November 21-24, 2017, Book of Abstracts Asian Fisheries Society Indian Branch, ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology.
  • Kandoriya B., Lende S. R., Sagar K., Khava R., Mahavadiya D. (2018). Role of seaweed as feed additives for pigmentation in ornamental fish industry. Page: 86 10th National science symposium Christ College, Rajkot.
  • Sagar K., Lende S. R.,Kandoriya B.,Khava R., Sapra D. (2018) Pangasius: A Potential candidate freshwater spp. For aquafarming in Gujarat”. Page:88 10th National science symposium Christ College, Rajkot.
  • Vadher D., Lende S. R., Khava R., Sapra D., Mahavadiya D. (2018). Effect of anti nutritional factors on finfish nutrition. Page: 102 10th National science symposium Christ College, Rajkot.
  • Khava R.,Lende S. R., Vadher D., Kandoriya B., Khara S. (2018) “Biofloc technology for production of tilapia in indoor tank culture: present status and future prospects. Page : 102 at 10th National science symposium Christ College, Rajkot.
  • Sapra D., Lende S. R., Kandoriya B., Khava R., Sagar K., Vadher D., Mahavadiya
  • D. (2018). Effect of different anaesthetics used in fish seed transportation. Page: 103 at Tenth National science symposium on 11th February 2018, abstract book science symposium on recent trends in science and technology, Christ College, Rajkot.
  • R.J Vasva; S. Yusufzai; Shrivastava V; J.N Parmar Effects of probiotics on yellow and green colonies and growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei stocked at higher salinity at 12th national Science Congress, Christ College Rajkot pp 215
  • Shrivastava V; R.J Vasva; S. Yusufzai;; J.N Parmar Effects of probiotics on post larval stages of Litopenaeus vannamei stocked at higher salinity at 12th nationa Science Congress, Christ College Rajkot pp 109
  • R.J Vasva; S. Yusufzai; Shrivastava V; J.N Parmar Effect of incorporation of bacillus subtilis as feed probiotics on growth performance in L. vannamei shrimp at 12th national Science Congress, Christ College Rajkot pp 143
  • Vivek Shrivastava;N.K. Chadha;Md. Koya; W.S. Lakra; Paramita Banerjee Sawant and S. Remya. Oxidative stress response of Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (De Man, 1888) post larvae to stocking density at 12th national Science Congress, Christ College Rajkot pp 127
  • K.M. Patel;V.N. Barad;V. Shrivastava; Nitin K Suyani V.N Barad. Quality Assesment of torpedo Scad (Megalapsis cordyla) stored in Gel Iceand Crushed Ice at 12th National Science Congress, Christ College Rajkot pp 111
  • K.M. Patel;V.N. Barad;V. Shrivastava’;Sujit Kumar;Nitin K Suyani Determination of Lc50 Value of Catla Catla and Labeo Rohita Culture In Inland
  • Saline Water at Different Salinities at Ganpat University during Gujarat Science Congress - 2020 pp.148
  • Vasava RJ, Hodar AR, Elchelwar VR, Deepak AP, Patel KM, Shrivastava V, Yusufzai SI, Acharya P and Prabhakar P. 2020 "Biofloc technology: An innovative approach to zero-water exchange and tentative zero-feed system: A review” published in Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 8(2): 1036- 1040 (2020) (NASS:5.53)
  • V.N Barad; K.M Patel; Shrivastava V. Sujit kumar, Remya S. 2020. A Study on the Tolerance and Behavioral Responses of Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822) Advance Fry to Varying Salinities under Inland Saline Water published in the proceedings of International Conference on “Climate Change 2020: Adaptation and Mitigation practices with Local and Global Level innovations” (ICCC- 2020) held at Sankalchand Patel University, Vishnagar, Gujarat. ISBN: 978-81-937540- 9-2 pp-26-29
  • K.M Patel; V.N Barad; Shrivastava V. Sujit kumar, Remya S. 2020. A Study on the Lethal Concentration (LC50) values and Behavioral Responses of Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) to varying salinities under Inland Saline Water, published in the proceedings of International Conference on “Climate Change 2020: Adaptation and Mitigation practices with Local and Global Level innovations” (ICCC- 2020) held at Sankalchand Patel University, Vishnagar, Gujarat. ISBN: 978-81-937540-9-2 pp-135-138
  • S. R. Vala*, S. R. Lende, K. Jora, H. Dhimmar, J. Mevada, D. Fofandi and S. Dhimmar A Study on Fish Marketing System in Himmatnagar, Sabarkantha, Gujarat International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 1 (2020)
  • Jora KM, Lende SR, Vala SR, Mevada J, Fofandi DC, Vagh SN and Solanki JB Effect of different cooking methods on proximate composition of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(2): 43-45
  • Dhimmer H, Vala SR, Lende SR, Jora K, Vagh SN, Mevada J, Fofandi DC and Dhimmer S Quality attributes and shelf life assessment of black pomfret (Formio niger) steaks treated with salts of organic acids Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(1): 69-72
  • Jora Kirankumar, Dhimmer Harsh, Vala Sanjaykumar, lende Smit Integrated Multi Tropic Aquaculture:A solution for sustainable aquaculture Book Chapter Research Trends in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Volume - 6)ISBN: 978-93- 89680-69-0
  • Status of Fisheries in Gujarat Authors Prof. N.G Akolkar and Mr Vivek Shrivastava
  • Recent Updates in molecular endocrinology and reproductive physiology of fishes published by springer
  • Agarwal, D., Kumar, S., and Singh, A. K.,(2019).”Next generation sequencing platforms and their applications to explore the fish genome” Next generation research in aquaculture. Narendra publishing house, New Delhi p134-159
  • Kumar, S., Kumar, M., Agarwal, D., Khara, S. and Shrivastava, V.,(2019).” Basic insights of metagenomics and its prospects in aquaculture” Next generation research in aquaculture. Narendra publishing house, New Delhi p134-159
  • Application of Real-Time PCR
  • Basic molecular techniques
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