Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Rajpur (Nava), Himmatnagar



PAH Himmatnagar

Publications Details

Sr. No. Name Research papers Popular articles Book Chapter Practical Manual Books/ Training Manual Conf./ Seminar/ Training/ Symposium/ Work Shop
1 Dr. S .B. Deshpande 32 05 06 08 05 Books 35+ 9 Trainings
2 Dr. A .I. Dadawala 56 19 02 08 06 65+40 abstract
3 Dr. P. P. Makwana 10 06 01 04 00 25
4 Dr. N. B. Bhati 08 05 01 05 00 18
5 Dr. F. M. Kapadiya 14 06 01 08 00 20

List of publication in year of 2019-20

Scientific Research papers published in International/ National Journal

  • A.I. Dadawala, B. Mondel, H. N. Kher, H.C. Chauhan, B.S. Chandel, A.G. Bhagat, M. D. Shrimali and B. S. Chandel (2019).Detection of Bluetongue virus antigen in various samples from Gujarat state, India. Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology. 21(1):19-28.
  • T.P. Patel, L.M. Sorathiya, F.M. Kapadiya, A.I. Dadawala, and G.R. Chaudhary (2020). Dairy husbandry practices by women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2020; SP-9(4): 144-148.
  • T.P. Patel, L.M. Sorathiya, F.M. Kapadiya, P.P.Makwana, N.B. Bhati and C.M. Bhadesiya(2020). Status of women dairy farmers in Sabarkantha district of Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2020; SP-9(4): 141-143.
  • F.M. Kapadiya, A.I. Dadawala, P.P. Makwana, N.B. Bhati, T.P. Patel and T.V. Sutariya (2020). Biochemical Attributes in repeat breeder mehsana buffaloes. Ruminant Science. 9(1):59-61.
  • M. J. Anikar, C. M. Bhadesiya, G. R. Chaudhary, T. P. Patel, D. B. Patil, A. I. Dadawala and P. P. Makwana (2021). Incidence of Dermatological Disorders in Dogs at Leo Animal & Bird Clinic, Vastral, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2021). 8(3): 1-7.
  • M.J. Anikar, C.M. Bhadesiya, T.P. Patel, G.R. Chaudhary, A.I .Dadawala, P.P. Makwana, V.A. Patel and P.J. Gajjar (2021). In-vivo observations on a topical spot-on formulation (Dermspot spot-on) for prevention of dermatological disorders in dogs. The Pharma Innovation Journal 10 (3): 93-96.


“Status of Animal Husbandry in Gujarat state 2016” prepared by Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University, Himatnagar

PGIVER Himmatnagar

Departmental Research

Sr. No. Title of Project Place / Department Duration Status
Internal/University Projects of PGIVER
1 Prevalence of Diseases and Disorders of Animals and Birds at Veterinary Hospital of Kamdhenu University PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar 2019 onwards Ongoing
2 Comparative Morphological Study of Hair of Different Animals PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar 2019 onwards Ongoing
3 Effect of FMD Vaccination on Production and Reproduction in the Cows and Buffaloes PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar 2020 onwards Ongoing
4 Etiodiagnosis of Bacterial Mastitis in Milch Animals of Himmatnagar Takuka, Gujarat PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar 2021 onwards Ongoing
5 Study on Existing Barn Hygiene Practices and their relation with Mammary and Hoof affections in Milch Cattle and Buffaloes in Sabarkantha District PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar 2021 onwards Ongoing
Other Agency Projects
1 Evaluation of Efficacy of Various Components of a Commercial Animal Farm Hygiene Kit (Mylchize by GEA) for Clean Milk Production PGIVER, KU, Himmatnagar(Rs.250000/-) 08/2020-01/2021 Completed
Collaborative Projects with Fisheries
1 Mapping of Endo- & Ectoparasites in Freshwater Fishes along Sabarkantha District, Gujarat PGIFER, KU, Himmatnagar 2019 onwards Ongoing
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