College of Fisheries Science, Navsari, Gujarat.



Degree Programmes Offered

College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University, Navsari.

The College offers under-graduate Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc.) degree programmes in Fisheries Science with credit based semester system. A common ICAR syllabus (as per ICAR Vth Dean Committee) is adopted for the degree programmes. To obtain B.F.Sc. Degree, students have to complete eight semesters with minimum OGPA of 5.5/10. During the VIIth semester is completely allocated for Fisheries Rural Work Experience with intensive practical training in various fields of Fisheries Science. During this semester, a study tour of 28 days is arranged covering the visits of major National fisheries institutes and related organizations/industries across the States of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala. The last semester, students have to undergo hands on practical training through Experiential Learning Programmes in fish seed production and Post-Harvest Technology.

College wise Degree Programmes

Sr. No. Degree Type Degree Type Degree Program Name Duration of Programme
1 College of Fisheries Science UG B.F.Sc. 4 Year
8 Semester
2 College of Fisheries Science PG Ph.D. (Aquaculture) (In-service) 4 Year
8 Semester

Student Intake

Name of the Degree Programme Year Actual Intake(Nos.)

B.F.Sc. (Fisheries)

2015-16 15
2016-17 20
2017-18 25
2018-19 25
2019-20 27
2020-21 27

*Ph.D. (Fisheries)

2016-17 -
2017-18 -
2018-19 02
2019-20 01
2020-21 -

*In-service Candidate

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