College of Fisheries Science, Kamdhenu University, Navsari, Gujarat.

Indian Fisheries sector has shown tremendous progress in last 50 years. Present Fish production in the country is more than 6 million tones out of which more than 50 % is contributed by Inland Fisheries sector. The Fisheries sector has shown steady growth rate of more than 7 % per annum. South Gujarat is endowed with 300 km. long coastline, very high rainfall and low outfall conditions with as many as 11 perennial rivers, 16 large reservoirs, hundreds of tanks and ponds is a predominantly fish producing area providing livelihood to 5 lakh families.
This region contributes about 2/3rd of total Inland fishery production especially those of high value fishes like Catla, Rohu, Mrigal, Catfishes and Prawns. About 90 % of freshwater fish seed production through 8 hatcheries being carried out by South Gujarat region. There are large numbers of village ponds available in South Gujarat which are being currently utilized only for minor irrigation and domestic purpose.
However the productivity of both Marine as well Inland Brackish/Freshwater fishes is not up to the mark. Moreover about 78% of suitable brackishwater area of Gujarat (89,000 ha) for shrimp culture is available in south Gujarat. More than 90% of the total shrimp cultivating area of Gujarat is being occupied by south Gujarat only (4500 ha). Thus this region has potential to emerge as aquaculture hub in inland and brackishwater sector fisheries. In future if brackishwater potential area put under shrimp cultivation (70,000 ha) there will be high needs of fisheries technocrats, skilled fisheries personnel and advanced technologies. To mitigate this education, research and extension activities are the only effective tools. Since, this region has a similar potential to that of Kerala in terms of natural resources and is very well connected by rail and road to all metropolitan cities, fisheries sector can be developed into a large scale industry provided appropriate education and research infrastructure facilities are created under the aegis of Navsari Agricultural University. The fisheries entrepreneurs look towards the University for technological guidance especially for aquaculture, timely diagnosis and control of outbreaks of diseases like white spot disease of shrimps, EUS of Carps etc. which play havoc with the economy of fishery enterprise.
Genesis and Rational
South Gujarat region comprising of seven districts viz., Bharuch, Narmada, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Tapi and Dang doesn't have a full-fledged faculty of Fisheries Science though fisheries is the main occupation and principal source of livelihood for over 2 lakhs of socio economically backward people coming below the poverty line. To achieve the above envisaged goal, human resource development drive taken up on a mission mode will serve the purpose of generating professionals, middle level technicians and skilled workforce to augment fisheries production and timely processing to ensure profitability to the fish farmers/entrepreneurs. The college of fisheries science will serve as a Nodal Centre of Educational, Research and Transfer of Technology activities by imparting higher education, and taking up research on location/situation specific needs and conduct specific client oriented training and demonstration programmes.
Year of Establishment
Year 2014-15; Government of Gujarat, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation resolution no:NKV-122014-2924-K.R.Dt. 27/11/2014
The College of Fisheries has a mandate to pro-actively promote, co-ordinate and execute efforts towards quality education, research and extension in fisheries science. The college has an obligation to develop qualified and skilled human resource to address the current needs of the fisheries sector. The only institute of this kind in the State, the college of fisheries science undertakes basic and applied research in areas of Fisheries Resource Management, Aquaculture, Harvest& Post Harvest Technology etc. It plays a key role to disseminate the latest technological advancements amongst fisherfolks of the State through various demonstrations and skill development training programmes.

To pro-actively promote, co-ordinate and execute efforts towards quality education, research and extension in Fisheries Science for the betterment of the society.
To develop qualified and skilled human resource to address the needs of the fisheries sector of the State and the Nation, which includes fisheries education, capture fisheries, aquaculture and harvest & post-harvest operations.
To undertake basic and applied research programmes in areas of Fisheries Resource Management, Aquaculture and Harvest & Post Harvest Technology.
To disseminate the latest technological advancements amongst fisherfolks and entrepreneurs of the sector of the State through various demonstration programmes.
To develop technical manpower in order to address the needs of the rural fisheries sector.
To impart higher education in fisheries sciences and technology to create a cadre of fisheries professional to meet the demands of fisheries sector of Gujarat
To carry out research on location specific problems of Inland Brackish/Fresh/Marine fisheries Transfer of technology
Expected Output
To achieve the above envisioned goal, human resource development drive taken up on a mission mode will serve the purpose of generating professionals, middle level technicians and skilled workforce to augment fisheries production and timely processing to ensure profitability to the fish farmers/Entrepreneurs.