Kamdhenu University, A State Public University Established bu Govt. of Gujarat.displayNone

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Powers & Functions
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Powers & Functions

Powers & Functions

Powers and Functions of the University

  • To provide for education and instructions for undergraduate and postgraduate in Veterinary and Allied Sciences and other branches of learning by establishing and maintaining colleges, schools, centers, departments and institutions.
  • To lay down courses of instruction for the various examinations, hold examinations and to confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions on persons who have pursued the approved courses of studies or have done research work in the university or in affiliated colleges or recognized institutions; relating to Veterinary and Allied Sciences;
  • To provide for conduct of Research in Veterinary and Allied Sciences and other branches of learning by establishing and maintaining laboratories, libraries research stations, institutions and museums for Teaching, Research and Extension Education.
  • To provide for dissemination of the findings of research, technology and technical information by arranging lectures, instructions and trainings to field workers, village leaders and other persons through extension education programme and to grant certificates to them as may be prescribed;
  • To withdraw or cancel any degree, diploma and the academic distinctions conferred or granted by the University in the manner as may be prescribed;
  • To collaborate and co-operate with other Universities and institutions in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine;
  • To create posts for Teaching, Research and Extension Education, Administrative, Ministerial and other purposes and to make appointment thereto;
  • To institute and award fellowship, scholarships, stipends, medals, prizes and other awards and to make arrangement for training for competitive examinations for recruitment to services under the State/Centre Government.
  • To establish, maintain and manage hostels and residential accommodations for students and staff of the university;
  • To fix, demand, receive and recover such fees and other charges as maybe prescribed;
  • To co-ordinate, supervise, regulate and control the residence, conduct and discipline of the students of the University and to make arrangements for promoting their education, health and welfare;
  • To make special provision for Research and Extension Education in Veterinary and Allied Sciences in relation to arid areas and areas prone to scarcity in the State of Gujarat.
  • To institute and manage bureau of information and of employment for the benefit of students of the University.
  • To associate or admit educational institution with or to the privileges of the University by way of affiliation, recognition or approval and to inspect colleges/recognized and approved institutions for ensuring proper standards of instruction, teaching and training and for maintaining them with adequate library and laboratory provisions therein.
  • To withdraw or modify either in whole or in part, affiliation, recognition or approval of educational institutions;
  • To lay down and regulate the scales of salaries and allowances and other conductions of service of the teachers, other academic and non-teaching staff of the University with the approval of the State Government.
  • To provide for the recognition of students unions or associations of teachers, academic staff or other employees of the University, affiliated colleges and recognized institutions.
  • To hold and manage trusts and endowments and to do all such other acts and things required in furtherance of the objects of the university.
Veterinary Council of India
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