- The college was started by up-gradation of Livestock Inspector Training Center (LITC) to polytechnic in Animal Husbandry in the year 2012.
- Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry was established in the year 2012. Establishment of the Polytechnic in Animal husbandry at Navsari was sanctioned by the Government of Gujarat under the new education (TASP) schemes under twelve five year plan from the year 2014-15.
Vision and Mission, Goals and Objectives
- To impart theoretical & practical training to the students in animal husbandry.
- To provide first aid veterinary services & Animal husbandry extension services at grass root level for upliftment of dairy farmers.

Principal Profile

Dr. J. B. Solanki
I/c PrincipalPolytechnic in Animal Husbandry
Kamdhenu University
Navsari Agricultural University Campus, Navsari – 396450.