Placement Cell
Placement cell of College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry is actively working since establishment of college. Every year campus interview has been arranged at university campus or outside the university. On the occasion of valedictory functions of outgoing batches, different programs were organized for awareness and information regarding different pharmaceutical companies products and future scope. The expert guest lectures on different aspects were also arranged for encouragement of last year students during/after their studies. By sincere efforts of placement cell, students are working in different areas like Government sectors, Dairy sectors (GCMMF), GVK, NGO and different multinational companies. More than 150 students placed in different sectors during last five years in campus interview beside this many candidates are also selected in Government sectors.
Placement information: Veterinary College, Sardarkrushinagar
Sr. No. |
Name of organisation where students have been placed | No. of students placed | ||||||
2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | ||
1 |
31 | 41 | 23 | 52 | 51 | 71 | 53 |
Information of Placement Co-Ordinator/Placement Officer:

Name: Dr. P. M. Chauhan
Designation: Assistant Professor
Address: Department of Veterinary Clinics,
Dr. V. M. Jhala Clinical Complex, Deesa
College of Veterinary Science & A. H.,
Kamdhenu University, Sardarkrushinagar
Mobile No: 9427493296